Sunday, July 6, 2008


Somewhere's where you have to start, right? Al Gore, George W. Bush and my family gave me the push to start this blog. Al's "Inconvenient Truth" movie really made me sit up and take notice. I picked up trash on the first Earth Day many years ago and have been conscious of the mess we've made ever since. Now, with Bush at the helm, we've given the hen house over to the foxes. We can't blame them. Foxes will eat chickens . . . it is their job.

Although G. W. certainly has feathers on his muzzle, he's just another fox. No, my fellow Americans, the blame sits squarely on our shoulders. We voted Bush into office -- twice! And we bought SUV's and jetted around the country with CO2 billowing behind our butts.

America must take on a new role in our beautiful, troubled world. We have shown the planet how to waist resources and, recently, how to be international cowboy bullies. We are better than that and we can lead the world in a positive direction. But this will be accomplished by what we do every day. By how we travel, what we eat and buy and throw away. Little decisions we make in our routines add up to each of our carbon footprints.

My family decided the next vehicle we acquired would run on electric power alone. Not something in stock at the Chevy Dealer! So, my son and I built one (with lots of help from friends.) This is not a solution for everyone, but I am learning things from it that can help many people live lighter on the earth. Stay tuned . . .

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